Monday, January 4, 2010
Tyler, dad, and I brought in the New Year in Rocky Point this year. :] It was a great time, regardless of how chilly &/or windy it was. Brother & mom brought the dogs up on Friday and we left on Sunday. There were a few hiccups along the way, the truck decided it didn't want to tow the trailer any faster than 35 for about the last hour of the trip. That was exciting. Parking it was a pain because we got there late after the truck wouldn't just DRIVE! :] Tyler lost his wallet at the gas station but my mom happened to see it sitting in the parking lot as they were leaving behind us...Umm...what else? It was just a good trip & a great way to bring in 2010. I'm going to write up some resolutions. But not yet - I'm still working on them. I have decided that it doesn't matter when you write them - before or after 12AM on New Years - you either accomplish them or you don't. :]