Wednesday, December 31, 2008


this is just going to be a quick post about the last two days. yesterday while i was shopping for mexico stuff with mom john called and pretty much fired me - i said it was okay that i had to quit anyways, but it was quite the shock. it was alright, though. just sucks because it was a lot less money now than i thought i would have before i move. this morning at 2AM dad decided to look into the killings in mexico i have been telling him about - when he finally found out that i was serious and it was really happening, he backed out on the trip and said it wasn't worth our lives to risk it. so we are all here and safe - instead of in mexico. it sucks because i was really excited, but at the same time i respect his decision. tyler and i went to get fuddruckers for lunch, and then went to blockbuster to return our movies and get burn after reading because mom wanted it and animal crossing: city folk for wii, because i've been waiting to play it forever. not sure yet if i'm all that thrilled or not. i just want my spore to come so i can play! but that's not going to happen for a few days. i've got a few books that should be here friday too, since there isn't any mail. we went and got our hair cut after, and then dad, tyler, and i went to Bevmo. i got this bottle of ale because it had a cute owl on it, a bottle of jolt, and he got me a bottle of hypnotiq. so tonight should be fun, haha. may as well have fun being 21, right? right now the boys are playing baja and i'm waiting for dinner. brats, it is! i think i'm going to go bead, or work on my lion latchhook, i'm not positive. happy new year, everyone!


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