Wednesday, October 7, 2009

hello, happy, rainy, wednesday!

hello, mr. happy, rainy wednesday! thank you for being so pretty outside! today is a good day! i woke up really early, got ready, and then mom & i went to target. found a couple of cute things there, and then she dropped me off at the lightrail so i could go to school! made it to school early, but not too early, and went to class. class was disturbing because he showed us a lot of really disgusting pictures of infections and warts and all kinds of nasty business. but i made it through! after class, tayler walked with me to work, since it was nice outside. so far at work i've filed close to 100 files, and started putting together packets for the information sessions. and i'm still doing that, but i got an intense urge to post!!!

tonight after work i am meeting tayler. not sure what we are doing! probably going to her dorm to hang out, and then figure out somewhere fabulous to go for dinner?! the college kid budget doesn't support "fabulous" so it might be something like subway...haha. but we will hang out and study until we have to go to our "mock practical" for anatomy at 7!! that will be exciting. haha. it's fun hanging out with her!! and her bf's name is tyler too, so that's cool. (random, perhaps? haha.)

what else has been going on?! i'm not sure. umm. i've decided that i really need to stop buying starbucks! because although my vente unsweetened black tea lemonade is so entirely tasty, it's impractical on my budget. i have a lot of things to buy with this check. like part of the phone bill, some black shoes (i don't have any black ones), umm. and i know there are some other things, as well. so i can't be spending over $3 a day. i will just have to figure out how to make my tea at home into a tasty black tea lemonade. that shall be my goal for this weekend. i just have to figure out where to find unsweetened lemonade. unless it's just lemon juice? that makes sense...hmm.

**notes to self:**
<3 kaitlin said that lemon juice would work! totally trying it. probably not until this weekend, though. :(
<3 october resolution: no starbucks or convenience places unless absolutely necessary! sad day, sorry mr. hotchocolatecoffee.
<3 cran-pomegranate ocean spray just add water things, SO GOOD! new favorite.


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