Tuesday, July 14, 2009
here's the instructions:
Size 10 Thread in 2 different colors (1 for the body, 1 for wings)
Size 7 steel hook (1.65mm)
Needle (to weave in ends)
Finish Size: 7/8”h x 1 ½” inches at it widest. 11” to 12”h counting tail. (Depending on how long the tassel is.)
Different Sts:
Treble Crochet (tc): Yarn over twice, insert hook in next st, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over, pull through 2 loops, yarn over, pull through 2 more loops, yarn over, pull through last 2 loops.
Part 1: Leaving a 4” to 5” inch tail Ch97, 6 dc in 3rd chain from hook, turn so you’re working on other side of chain. Work 6 dc in same chain; join with sl st to first dc. (12dc)
Part 2: Ch5, slst in 2nd chain from hook, and in each of the next 3 chains. Sl st in each of the next 2 sts, ch5, sl st in 2nd chain from hook and in each of the next 3 chains, sl st in next st. Finish off and weave in end.
Wing 1:
Part 1: Join wing color to the next st after the last sl st of body with a sc, ch4, sc in next st, ch3, sc in next st, ch3 and turn.
Part 2: 1 tc in sc, (1 tc, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1sc) all in ch3 space, sl st in next sc, (sc, ch3, 5 tc, 1 dc) all in ch4 space, ch2 sl st in next sc. Finish off and weave in ends.
Wing 2:
Part 1: Join wing color to body in 3rd dc from bottom part of wing 1 with a sc, ch3, sc in next st, ch4, sc in next st, ch2 and turn.
Part 2: (1 dc, 5 tc, ch3, sc) all in ch4 space, sl st in next sc, (1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 tc) all in ch3 space, 1 tc in next sc, ch3, sl st in same st. Finish off and weave in ends.
Tassel: Cut ten 10” inch pieces of thread. Insert hook in first chain made of the Ch97. Fold pieces of thread in half over the hook. With pieces of thread pull up a loop. Take hook out of loop and pull loose threads through the loop and pull taut. Make a knot to secure tassel. Trim to desired length.